Apologies for the issues, you can watch the service directly on Facebook without an account by using this link:
Holiday Bible Club

Join us for 5 days as we discover God through wacky science experiments, stories, worship, craft, memory verses etc.
Sessions will start at 10am or 6.30pm.
Derryvolgie leaders will be attending the 6.30pm session, so there will be familiar faces in your zoom room if you register for the 6.30pm session.
We hope you can join us!
Planned date for reopening our buildings for worship
It has been a while since we have been able to meet physically in our building, gathered as the community of God. Rather we have been scattered into our homes meeting online each week as a parish. The scattering of God’s people is not a new thing. It was one of the greatest catalysts to early church growth.
The last few months have offered us opportunities in our homes, streets, workplaces and community to share and show the love of Christ in very practical ways. Thank you for continuing to be his hands and feet in this community. We do not want to see this decrease rather we desire it to increase as our awareness of his Kingdom grows and deepens.
As lockdown shifts, we are seeing several restrictions being lifted and we are pleased that the guidelines now allow the return to physically meeting as the church in our building. The Select Vestry have discussed and are continuing to work through several protocols and guidelines which will ensure everyone is as safe as we can possibly be when we return to our buildings. We are also pursuing the possibility of livestreaming the service ensuring that even if you are unable to join us physically in church you can join us virtually at the same time.
Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as we work through the details and we will release more information about what you can expect from the new physical services before we return on Sunday 30 August at 10.30am.
Every Blessing
Sunday 19th July – Harmony at Home
You can watch our Sunday service at the following link
Sunday 12th July – Living under authority
If the video playing you can see it at this link: