Youth meeting

This week’s youth meeting will be an online escape room! Use the QR code to sign up
Sunday 18th October
Life groups
We’d love you to join us for LIFE GROUPS in a 5 week series connecting our Sunday service to our Monday-Saturday lives.
Each week we will be looking at how our Sunday gathering can help our us live our Monday-Saturdays differently as we worship the creator and sustainer of the universe in all that we do.
It isn’t another thing to add to your to-do list. It is a passionate call to allow God to expand our view of worship.
We’ll be running different groups one within the church building meeting weekly in a socially distant manner and others online.
If you’re interested and would like to join please follow the link
Harvest Sunday 11th October
Appointments from the Annual Vestry Meeting
At our recent Annual Vestry Meeting which was held on Sunday 4th October the following where appointed to the various position within the parish of Derryvolgie.
Rector’s Church Warden: Jonathon McMurray
Rector’s Glebe Warden: Lynn Perry
People’s Church Warden: Andrew Sproule
People’s Glebe Warden: Stewart Gavin
Select Vestry
Rhona Gavin (Secretary)
Colin McDonald (Treasurer)
Maureen Atcheson
Mark Hassard
Rodney Ingram
Noreen Kavanagh
Mark McDowell
Frank Bailie
David Pedlow
Derek Shuter
Laura Coburn
Jim Hamilton
Diocesan Synod Persons
Stewart Gavin
Derek Shuter
Jonathon McMurray
Parochial Nominators
Stewart Gavin
Noreen Kavanagh
David Pedlow
Andrew Sproule