Sunday 24th January
Sunday Service 17th January
You can watch our Sunday service at the following link
DV Youth starts this Friday!

Lifegroups restart this Wednesday

LIFEGROUPS – restart this Wednesday 13th January at 8.00pm. Life Groups are a place where we journey together, exploring the bible and sharing life as we grow as disciples of Christ. You can sign up here…/19eJ7w8dlPKyjzTljq…/edit…Or for more information contact James or Sarah.
Sunday Service 10th January
You can view today’s service via the below link:
More exciting news!!!

⭐️ More exciting news!!⭐️
Starts back Friday 15th January @6:30pm!
Spread the word! 😁
Exciting news!!

Maybe you remember we got some young people together back in October as we began to reshape our ministry for Yr8+.
They have been meeting up since then and a new ministry is being launched next Friday 15 January … watch this space for more info….
Sunday Service 3rd January
View our service at the below link: