Robbie shares a favourite passage
Sunday service – 24th May
Derek shares some thoughts
Sunday service – 17th May
Sunday Service – 10th May
Christian Aid week

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 10th – 16th May 2020
Christian Aid week is going ahead, but will look very different this year. As the Coronavirus spreads across the world, people in poorer countries with already fragile health systems, will be even harder hit, making every single aspect of our work more important. The need to fundraise for Christian Aid has perhaps never been greater – and the ability to fundraise has never been more challenging.
As the pandemic spreads into the poorest countries in the world, our neighbours around the world will face these impacts, often without the same safety nets we’ve seen at home. The most vulnerable are falling ill and the economic impacts are leaving people who were already struggling, without a way to feed their families and survive this crisis. Right now, you can help prevent people from suffering and dying due to the health and economic impacts of the pandemic by supporting calls for a debt ‘jubilee’ – requested by governments of poor and vulnerable countries. This would mean debt repayments of poor countries are cancelled during this crisis.
Please sign a petition calling on the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak to broker a debt relief deal for the poorest countries. Details of the petition are on the Christian Aid website.
In the absence of door to door collections, and other fundraisers, you can donate as follows:
- Donate Online
- By Phone. Call Christian Aid Office 02890 648133 to donate by card
- By Post. Send a cheque to Christian Aid, Linden House, Beechill Business Park, 96 Beechill Road, Belfast, BT8 7QN
(Please write on reverse of cheque if can attract Gift Aid, and include your address) - Directly into the Christian Aid bank account:
Danske Bank Sort Code: 95-01-32 Account Number: 42771268
Sunday service 3rd May
Parish update from James
Make yourself a cuppa and take 10 minutes and have a read of James’s latest update
You can now listen to the weekly service on your phone

We have some exciting news…. as you are aware we have had to move a lot of our activities online recently. This works for many people who can access the material on social media and our website. For some this has been easy to navigate for others it has moved you out of your comfort zone as you experience a new digital world. However we want to be able to stay connected to all our community, so we have made our Sunday services available in a simple format for those who don’t have internet access. All you have to do is simply phone this number 028 9227 0922 from your landline or mobile and listen. It’s as simple as that. Calls will be charged at your standard network rate, but for many calls to this will be included in their package. So help us spread the word – tell your family and friends and ensure that they know they can connect in this way. The most recent service will be uploaded on a Sunday and will be available all week.