To know Christ better and to make Christ better known
A summary of the key points in Bishop-designate George Davison’s letter issued today to clergy, lay readers and parishes in relation to Covid-19. Full letter at https://bit.ly/2Qpbqyq
James spoke on the passage in John 5 of the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda and how it speaks into our current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic
This Sunday we have Tim Houston from Crown Jesus Ministries sharing with us in our series ‘I AM’ Jesus in his own words – Tim will explore Jesus claim that he is ‘the way the truth and the life’
We’ll be meeting again on 14th February to pray for our children and the wonderful staff of Harmony Hill who invest so much of their time and effort in teaching and helping them. We’d love it if you could join us.
We all have questions, whether it’s “Why am I here?”, “What should I do?”, “How can I know that there is a God?” or dozens like them. Alpha is a great way of discussing these questions in a friendly and safe environment.
We’re running an Alpha taster session in Froth Coffee and Sandwich Lounge and we’d love you to join us!
We’ve all had a well earned break and we are excited to get back into this years programme. But we know that it’s been a long tiring week for the kids, so what better way to round off the week than a FAB Movie Night?!?!?
See you Friday @ 6.30pm!