Rev James Boyd


Sorry. Little bit excited.

Yesterday evening (Tuesday 13th November 2018) James was instituted as our new rector. It was a great service and we are deeply indebted to everyone who helped to make it happen. Thanks to Bishop’s commissary Archdeacon Stephen McBride for officiating, to the Rural Dean Rev John Rutter for leading the service and to Rev Barry Forde for preaching. Thanks also to the Willowfield church office and technical teams for all their assistance. Thanks to all who led our worship, read the scriptures, participated in the service and provided refreshments after and to all who came along to say goodbye/hello or just to be a continued support to James and Shirley. And finally all praise to God of Father who has led us and guided us from the very start of this journey and will continue to lead us forward into this next chapter in our journey with Him.

Institution of Rev James Boyd

The institution of Rev James Boyd takes place this Tuesday 13th November @ 8pm. We would love you to join us for this very special service were we’ll celebrate James’ arrival and prayerfully dedicate his ministry amongst us to God.

Please remember James, Shirley and their girls as they embrace this new chapter of their lives and their walk with God.

Celebration of harvest

It was lovely to celebrate the bounty of God’s goodness to us at our annual harvest service today.   We were blessed by performances from both our “popup” choir and from our young kids.  As always we remember those near and far you aren’t as fortunate as we are, all the food parcels from today will be distributed locally and our harvest collection will be used to help the work of ICS who came and shared some amazing stories of God’s work even in the unlikeliest of places.

Date for the institution of Rev James Boyd

We are delighted to announce that the date for the institution of James has been set as Tuesday 13th November at 8pm.
Please come and join us in worship and prayer as we welcome James, Shirley and their girls and pray for their ministry amongst us.
See our Facebook page for up-to-date information.

Welcome back!

We hope you had a lovely summer and feel refreshed and invigorated. But on the off chance that you could do with a little pick me up, why not come along to one of our weekday clubs which are starting back his week?

Starting this evening is Cameo, our ladies group @7.30pm

Tuesday morning see’s the return of our mums’ and tots (and dads/grandparents, we really don’t mind who) @10am

In 2 weeks time DVM will return for it’s new season @7.30pm

The Boyd’s are coming!

We were delighted to announce this morning that the Rev James Boyd of Willowfield Church has been appointed as our new rector. We look forward to welcoming James and his wife Shirley and family into the parish soon.
The date of the institution has yet to be confirmed.
Please remember them in your prayers as they prepare for this new season in their ministry.