Services of public worship suspended
A summary of the key points in Bishop-designate George Davison’s letter issued today to clergy, lay readers and parishes in relation to Covid-19. Full letter at
A response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
James spoke on the passage in John 5 of the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda and how it speaks into our current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic
Don’t forget the Psalms
We were reminded today of the beauty and importance of the Psalms. “The Psalms were the songs of Jesus” we were reminded.
We looked at Psalm 29 and the wonderful, vibrant and powerful description of the voice of God and we were encouraged not to think of the Psalms as dreary, irrelevant, Old Testament stuff. Rather we should celebrate them and hear the voice of God whisper, speak, shout and thunder through them.
Praise God for the Psalms!
Christmas Services List
Carols by candlelight
Sunday 17th December @ 5pm
Children’s Nativity
Sunday 24th December @ 10.30am
Christmas Eve Late Night Service
Sunday 24th December @ 11pm
Christmas Day Early Morning
Monday 25th December @ 9am
Christmas Family Gathering
Monday 25th December @ 10.30am